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Become a "Friend of the HSO" and take an active role in our season's success.


Join the friendship circle at three different levels and be a part of the transformation of our city. Your contribution in any amount is appreciated. 


Please note:  All donations go through our secure system. The Henderson Symphony Orchestra (HSO) respects the privacy of its users. Personal Information is not sold or shared to any third-party organization for resale. 

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HSO's Very Good Friend

  • Special recognition on the season’s programs.

  • Receive an HSO-branded insulated cooler bag.

  • VIP seating when available.

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HSO's Good Friend

  • Receive a two-piece tumbler wine glass set.

  • VIP seating when available.

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HSO's Friend

  • Receive an HSO-branded tote bag.

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Student Membership


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Become a Friend of the HSO

Be a part of the transformation classical music is bringing to Henderson. 


Select an level
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Thank you for becoming a friend of the HSO!

It is our pleasure to assist you with ways to give including sponsorships of seasons, individual concerts, or specific programs.
Email: or call 702-808-6668 for more information.

If you would like to give any amount other than what you see listed, we are happy to receive all donations

Donate Now

Help us make a difference


Thank you for your donation!

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